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Monday, September 30, 2013

Homeopathic Weight Loss Treatment

About one in three adults is obese. Overweight people have a greater chance of developing several diseases including diabetes, circulation problems, and hypertension, gout, heart disorders, heart attack and others. The excess weight can damage joints and cause osteoarthritis of the knees and hips.

The route problem, regardless of whether or not a thyroid is the problem, is caused by eating more food and drink than the body can use up in the energy. The surplus energy is then stored as fat. This means that either you are having trouble using your energy from your food, or you taking in too much energy from your food.

The Natural Doctor's Recommendations

Generally, a simple crash diet is not the answer to obesity, as it can lead eventually to weight gain as the metabolic rate slows even further. A naturopath's advice will be that increasing exercise at the same time as changing diet is important for speeding up your metabolism. Multivitamins should be taken to replace any lost nutrients.


For the type of person who is flabby and inclined to perspire a lot, the homeopathic remedy Calc.carb may prove helpful, especially if you have cravings for foods, particularly eggs. If water retention is there, try the homeopathic remedy Natrum mur. in the 6th potency twice daily for three weeks.

Acupuncture: this treatment is aimed at reducing the heightened appetite that springs from a weakened stomach-spleen system, by restoring the energy flow along the spleen meridian. Points on the stomach, spleen, heart and lung meridians may be treated. Treating ear points is said to even help overcome cravings for food.

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Choosing the Right Weight Loss Foods

If you have ever tried to diet or loose weight before, you are well aware of the fact that weight loss foods are seemingly hard to come by and even when you do find something that is of some nutritional value, or weight loss importance it tastes horrible! Luckily for those who have a hard time staying away from sweets or whatever else seems to be calling your name at every hour of the day, their is hope for weight loss yet!

The science behind weight loss is very simple. You must burn off more calories than you take in. This makes sense and should be the basis of any weight loss philosophy. Those who realize this mantra will also realize that you do not have to starve yourself, nor do you have to eat a salad a meal every day. The solution however is simple, although at first it may be hard to cope with.

You should start out by eating the same that you have always eaten, the only difference is to eat half of each portion. So for instance, if you generally drink two cups of coffee in the morning, drink one. If you generally eat two pieces of bread with dinner, eat one. You see the trend here? Now you need not be a math teacher to understand the fact that if you eat half as much you will loose some weight, it is pretty cut and dry. Once you have been working with that process for some time, you should also consider performing some form of cardio several days per week, this will enhance the benefits of loosing weight.

If you feel that you are beginning to plateau your gains by eating half as much as everything, you should then look at your daily intake. Try to cut down on the number of carbohydrates and fats that you are consuming, and start to consume more and more protein into your every day diet. Solid forms of protein include chicken, fish, and nuts. Also you should be consuming a good amount of water as well as a good amount of fruits and vegetables.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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How to Achieve Weight Loss in the Stomach Area

Flabby tummies are not just a problem among women who want to look sexy but as well as for men who are insecure of buffed up dudes. There are actually a lot of ways to address such a problem from the right diet, exercise, non surgical treatments, surgical operations, the works; it is all just a matter of finding the right way to achieve weight loss in stomach area for you. Of course you cannot just expect a treatment or a diet which has worked on your friend to also have the same effect on you. Just consider your body types, if your friend found it more effective to achieve weight loss in stomach area through rigorous exercise then he or she may have a more muscular physique. Do not get easily frustrated if you end up having a hard time trying to lose the extra pounds, what matters is that you stick to a healthy and balanced diet as well as regular exercise to ensure that the extra pounds are always kept at bay.

Even if you choose to go about the slimming treatments or a surgical operation to help you lose the extra pounds, you will still need to take care of your newly slimmed down physique through proper diet and exercise. It is important that you turn these into your daily habits so that it will start to just come naturally to you. So in the long run, all your hard work will not be put in vain and you will be able to stay slim and flabby-tummy free for more bikini seasons to come.

For More Related Topics Blog: Antidepressants And Weight Loss

Friday, September 27, 2013

Loose Skin After Weight Loss

Are you worried about lose skin when you get to your goal weight?

Its true that many people unconsciously sabotage their weight loss efforts out of fear. Fear of failing, fear of their lives once they are thin and even more importantly what their bodies will look like once the weight is gone. Loose skin is a hot topic nowadays and they are a few myth surrounding this debate. Is loose skin, loose skin?

What is loose skin, and how can I get rid of it?

Chances are unless you've lost a significant amount of weight 250+ you can prevent a majority of your loose skin problems before they start. Commonly what people consider to be loose skin is fat trapped under the skin giving it the "drooping appearance". True loose skin can be shrunk over time with a little bit of work. Typically what happens is, that when weight loss happens the person follows a strict diet that burns fat, but muscle as well. When fat and muscle are burned off quickly, the skin has nothing to hang onto unless muscle is replaced where the fat was lost. It is imperative to reserve and gain muscle while burning fat.

Can I prevent loose skin?

Yes! Its very simple, you can even loose weight quickly and prevent hanging skin, you just have to do it the right way. Burn fat, gain muscle, even if you're a woman! Staying hydrated is very important as well. Drink plenty of fluids and moisturize your body while you slim down. If you're looking for a program to follow, I highly recommend The Day Off Diet. The only program that will allow you to burn fat and preserve muscle.

Healthy Weight Loss Regimen

If you are going to follow any type of diet to lose weight, it is extremely imperative that you choose one that is healthy, safe, and sustainable for the long-term. Here are some tips on how to distinguish between a healthy weight loss regimen and an unhealthy one:

1. You should not lose muscle mass while on the diet. You should only lose water weight and you should be burning fat directly.

2. You should not starve or go hungry while you are on a diet.

3. You should not eliminate any essential nutrients from your body that your body needs in order to function properly. This includes carbohydrates.

4. Your diet should require you to drink a significant amount of water.

5. You diet should allow for you to eat adequate amounts of food from all four food groups.

6. You should never eat until you are full at any meal. You should only eat until you are satisfied.

7. You should be able to eat at least 3 to 4 times every day.

8. You should not be losing more than a few pounds a week after the first two weeks. During the first two weeks, it is normal to lose a significant amount of weight, but this should taper off. You should not be losing tens of pounds every month, unless your diet plan allows you to take a break for a few days to give your body a rest, before you go back on the rapid-weight loss regimen.

9. Your diet should not require you to eat more of one type of food than any other. Eg) the grapefruit diet.

10. Your diet should not require you to spend exorbitant amounts of money to follow it. You can follow any diet using common sense principles by spending modestly out of your existing grocery budget.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Diet - Here's a Diet Which is Guaranteed to Help You Lose Weight Fast!

Looking for a fast weight loss diet to drop those pounds quickly? If you're looking to change your body drastically in a short period of time, I can really only think of one fast weight loss diet for you to try out.

If you want to see quick results, you're basically looking at doing the CKD diet.

The CKD diet stands for the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet and it's a diet which is focused on eating a large amount of fat, moderate amount of protein and minimal amounts of carbs. This is a similar diet to the Atkins diet, with the exception that there is a day taken out for eating nothing but high carbs and low fat.

The good thing about this diet over Atkins is it allows this "carb-up" for you to recharge your muscles as well as your spirits. It's tough eating nothing but fatty foods, it leaves you lethargic and feeling deprived.

When you are eating mostly fat and protein though, you do become a fat burning monster and start burning fat at an incredible rate, that is why this diet is so popular.

You'll be eating a lot of nuts on this diet as well as eggs, bacon and cheese even if you desire. It really doesn't matter that you're getting that saturated fat as long as you keep your carbohydrates below 10 grams a day, it will all be burned off as fuel.

So if you're looking for a fast weight loss diet, definitely give the CKD a try, on the 7th day, you'll get to reverse the tables and eat mostly oatmeal, brown rice and brown bread along with some protein, it's a great change and make sustaining this diet easier.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss Tips Review

Ever wondered how you can lose all that weight but do it without having to starve yourself? This is a very doable situation and you just need to pay close attention to the basics of dieting. It's not always about crash diets and eating certain grains just to lose weight. The fact is that you can eat what you want and still lose weight. You just need to look at some of the following healthy weight loss tips and keep them in mind whenever you eat.

Serve in portions - You need to cut back on what you are eating. This does not mean that you should stop eating the food that you like to eat. It simply means that you will have to eat your food in smaller servings or portions. If you like spaghetti with meatballs, for example, you might need to try eating half a plate instead of a full one. This will help you to stop gaining weight and make the healthy weight loss process work even faster. But if you think about it, you will have enjoyed your meal and you will have helped yourself feel much better.

Exercise lightly - Do not push yourself over the limit by lifting barbells after you eat or before you go to work. You just need to sweat through light exercise that can help you burn fat. You can take a walk with your dog or even jog around the block. If you would like to give it a try, you can even give Yoga or Pilates exercises a shot. These are easy exercises that will help you with problem areas in various parts of your body.

Eat fruits and veggies - If you want to stay healthy and alert but still lose weight, fruits and veggies are the thing to have in your kitchen. Start to eat these in larger portions when you eat the smaller portions of meat that you prepare for yourself. These foods will give you the energy that you need and even clean out the toxins in your body which means you will be healthy at all times and still lose the weight that you want to.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips